Monday, March 12, 2012

Where should i work? i find my conundrum to be borderline melodramatic, an unwarranted midlife crisis. guide?

my issue is as follows, i worked at a "traffic ticket" law firm as the main attorney's assistant [dealing with every angry screwed over client, attorney's disgusting mess etc etc..] long story short i was fed up with the nasty karma and overall dissatisfaction with the management's "pep talks". long story short i quit [never felt better and the pub next door embraced me like a war hero] and while i made good money and had some misguided sense of superiority, i felt gross [for lack of a better term] and would constantly daydream of the world of opportunity outside that wretched office door. now, im on "vacation" [justifying my actions] and find myself at an odd cross roads, on the one hand i can stay inside an office [like ive pretty much been doing since before this job as well], file papers and repeat the cycle or on the other really branch out beyond the comfort zone and exploit my people skills and make people happy. i want to do stand up or work with children or work with television or a stage or write or sweat in a kitchen or smile behind a bar or my ultimate wet dream to be anthony bourdain... the reason im posting this "question" [more an existential cry for help probably] is in hopes one of you will maybe slap me around or help me find reason or gently caress my head and let me know everything will be ok...

what should do? what action would you suggest? what would you do? what do you do? i am open to all suggestions, insults, answers etc.. because nothing is more brutally honest than internet anonymity.Where should i work? i find my conundrum to be borderline melodramatic, an unwarranted midlife crisis. guide?
just practice saying do you want ketchup with the fries

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