Tuesday, March 6, 2012

If i don't believe in god or Karma, why should I be Good/Moral/Ethical?

I Don't believe in god but i am a moral person. The question is, why should i be? If it takes evil deeds for me to get ahead in the world and/or to be happy, why shouldn't i do this?

Here is an example.lets say there is an old woman sitting at a bar with a lottery ticket and she leaves it on the table to go to the toilet. during that time the numbers come up on the TV and i can see she has won a couple of million. Why should i not just take the ticket and be happy myself in exchange for one evil deed of robbing the old woman what was rightfully hers? I would feel guilty for a while, but not for long.

This is just an example, but there are many.If i don't believe in god or Karma, why should I be Good/Moral/Ethical?
You were raised to feel guilty about certain things
God or karma are means to give an explanation why sticking to ethics is the sensible thing to do. Apparently, you sense the value of ethics, but do not go for the explanations. That's no problem, just do what is right ;-))

But obviously, if you get into difficult situations, and your own ethics gets confused, then religion with their reasoning and belief in God or karma may be able to give you guidance.If i don't believe in god or Karma, why should I be Good/Moral/Ethical?
Thus the important reason for religion over the ages.
What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow!!! I believe.
"Once you begin to look inside yourself you don't need people to tell you what to do, what's right and what's wrong, you just do it because you are you." This answer is silly.

We're trained since our infancy in how to behave. We receive praise when we share, when we're honest, etc and we're scolded when we don't share and when we lie, etc. We feel good when we're praised and bad when we're scolded because our human nature craves human acceptance.

Eventually we get this set of unfocused feelings we call conscience. We're so well trained that we think we were born with a conscience.

But no one has an obligation to obey a feeling hence your statement about "feel guilty for a while, but not for long."

The word moral implies a universal law which we all ought to obey. No one thinks that we ought to obey a feeling so feelings cannot be a basis for morality. The only possible lawgiver for universal law is our Creator.
morals, ethics and "good" are all society based. If you really lead your life with your soul you will do what you are "supposed" to do. You don't have to believe in something to have good morals, in fact a lot of christians have the worst morals of them all. Once you begin to look inside yourself you don't need people to tell you what to do, what's right and what's wrong, you just do it because you are you. Humans have a great capacity to love, give compassion and empathy, but most are stuck in their day to day grind that they can't see what's really inside of them. You can and that's beautiful, effortless and perfect. Just like how water doesn't worry about how it will get over the rock, it just does it.

Why should you? You don't have to, but you do anyway
what do u think..this world is just the end..

every one knows that one has to die nd go to hell or heaven

depends on his deeds..

if u dont believe in god...so u have no right to believe ane1..

not ur family,frends,realtives,love,not even urself...

coz everything is created by god...

he is the Generator Organiser nd Destroyer...

if u wana perform evil deeds,no1 will stop u but u have to pay for it..

the same wud happen wid u sumday nd then u will realise...

take care))

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