Friday, March 9, 2012

Can transitory objects left behind by my ex-roommate retain her negative karma?

My ex-roomie carried a lot of negative energy with her, as she left the apartment she left behind a few very small items like some soap, toilet paper, cooking spices, etc. A psychic friend of mine says I need to get rid of absolutely every last object down to the last bar of soap to get rid of her negative karma. But my question is can a person really attach negative energy to something so small and easily replaceable? I could definitly use some of the items and it seems wasteful to throw them out, could I somehow dispel the bad energy she left behind?Can transitory objects left behind by my ex-roommate retain her negative karma?
Take ownership of her things, and then your energy will transfer to the stuff. Do a blessing on the stuff to renew it.
From religious point of view, Items used by others even if they are having blood relations, should not be used for various reasons. There is a significance behind this belief. If one thinks deep, one can understand. Some strictly religious people do not allow their belongings to be used by others nor do they use others items at any point of time. They attach some kind of importance even to invisible things.Can transitory objects left behind by my ex-roommate retain her negative karma?
No you will not attract negative karma through mundane objects like them. I tell you to use the stuff and forget about her. The cliche is if you do not believe and u are good, no negative karma will touch you. I wont lose any sleep over this matter, and suggest you do the same. good luck.
..they can if you believe they do. But don't believe they do and they wont. If you need to dip them in vinegar or spray them with vinegar so that you feel they have no negative energy.

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