Monday, March 12, 2012

What's wrong with me?

i am in love with this married man who's been promising me that he will leave. this has been going on for a few years. for the sake of right, i have tried to pull away, but each time he finds his way back. recently, he told me that his 22 year old son just went to prison for domestic violence on his girlfriend whom he has a baby with. my married man also described her very private part as a SNAPPER meaning, he says, one that grips. he also said that his son's mother told him that the girl's body part looks like two fists in her pants. i could not believe he told me that and i also could not believe that he is siding with his jailed son completely because the girl has his grandson. he shows no caring about his grandchild. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME? he is emotionally bankrupting me and i am depressed all of the time, no kidding. some may say it's karma; but he lied about his being married when i met him out in a sports bar. no ring, and emphatically stating that he was single. i do not know, in all honesty, how to make him go away completely since my heart is into it. i know in my heart he is using me for something, although, i don't know what. and no, it's not sex since he is having it with his wife. he lies about that too. i know he is an emotionally corrupt person, but somehow his appeal keeps me drawn to him. i am 51 years old and he is 42. and no, age has nothing to do with it. anyone can fall prey to anything at anytime. how to i move out of this. i sincerely need good answers. i have tried almost everything. thanks.What's wrong with me?
acknowledge god, pray and god will direct your footsteps. its all if u are willing to end this. nothing good can ever come out of this, and love isn't suppose to feel like this, love is suppose to uplift u, and make u happy and secure. true temptation is everywhere but u know right from wrong, u have a choice to control this, get rid of him before he completely drags u down to his level.
all i can say is leave him for goodWhat's wrong with me?
What a mess! I think you stay with this spineless thing because you are over 50 {me too} and you are afraid that someone else will not come along. At this point you have to look at him and ask yourself do I want to connect myself with this morally bankrupt person. What Iam I getting out of this relationship other than pain. Move on. Even if you are alone it is a better place than you are in now.
What鈥檚 wrong with you is you have a very HUGE ego!!! You know for a fact that how this guy deals with his life is more than enough for other women to avoid. You know for a fact that this guy is manipulating your sensuality for his own satisfaction. You know for a fact that continuously having relationship with him will ruin your life. You know for a fact that you are old enough to discern and is expected to decide well under this circumstance. But鈥?your HUGE ego doesn鈥檛 work that way. Pray鈥?perhaps this will dwarf your ego.
Our life is made of can choose to live as you have been or you can choose to really live. What he is doing is using you when it is convenient for him. I would be leery of anybody who sides with somebody accused of domestic violence. I would wonder what he is capable of.

You need to find some new friends and since I do not know you I can only suggest you find new friends at work, church, join a group or organization where you can interact with others. You need something to get you away from him monopolizing your free time.

Once you have broken free THEN look for somebody else to date. If he has not left he will never leave so you have to move on. It is weird that he and his wife talk about their son's girl friend's (at one time) private parts.

hope it helps but i think you already knew what you needed to do. It is hard to change but i think it will be worth it in the long run for you.
The first red flag went up when you found out he is married....that means he belongs to someone else..even if he leaves his wife...what he has done to others, he will more than likely do to you.. Run...don't walk......Remember you are the one most responsible for your own happiness...Good luck
The man sounds like a real jerk and a liar. His family sounds like they are sick people and need help. Find yourself someone better and then let the man know that it is over for good. If he will not leave you alone then get a restraining order on him. Do not let the man use you anymore. He is using you and that is all that it is. He is a SICKO and he is only going to make you into someone that you will not like.
He'll NEVER leave his wife for you. You are nothing but his "bit on the side"; that is all you will ever mean to him. Of course he's still having sex with his wife, and who knows who else he has on the go - he's making comments that are, at best, inappropriate about his son's partner, for God's sake. I'm not surprised that you are feeling depressed all the time, you know what this guy is like, and you still choose to put up with him. But you can't blame him for the adultery - maybe you didn't know when you first met that he is married, but you know now...and it's up to you to end it now. Your comment, "anyone can fall prey to anything at anytime" shows that you haven't accepted responsibility for YOUR part in this. The person that you must consider here is his wife - you are cheating on her, and if you think you're so innocent then meet up with her for a coffee and tell her what you and her husband have been up to "for a few years". He "doesn't find his way back", you let him back, and the quicker you give him his marching orders, the better. Until then, I'm sorry but I don't have any sympathy for you. You made your bed, etc.
You need to have a spine and be firm (and MEAN IT) when you tell this guy to no longer contact you. Go on a cruise or something with your girlfriends and just get away for a while. Know that you deserve better then what this man is providing you and accept NO LESS.

One motto I truly believe in life is this: If you put up with it, you deserve it.
No one can talk you into leaving a toxic relationship you have to do it yourself and hopefully you will when you're ready. If you're not drawn to him for the sex, he sounds like a nasty piece of work, and he's married, what exactly keeps you going back?
wow honey seek professional help to strengthen you to break from this person..Seriously I will lift you up in prayer.I will be 51 this month and believe me even at this time in our lives he is not the only fish in the sea,check my profile and be My E-mail buddy ,Everyone needs Little support your life should be joyful not horrible and this guy sounds like a piece of poop and you deserve better.
First of all, turn off your computer and get on your knees. You need serious prayer. That man has had you hypnotized for way too long. He beds his wife, screwing his sons girl, stole your heart, and you're allowing him to consistently make a fool out of you. Don't you have any integrity left? Do you think he's the only man to pay any attention to you? Why?

Ask yourself, why at 51 are you still waiting for little crumbs that a married man leaves you? Get out of the house and join something. Change your phone number or whatever it takes to instill some pride in yourself. Cut him off immediately! Cold Turkey is the only real way. There's no sense in dragging it out, he's not yours and NEVER will be. I won't insult him anymore because you will find reason to defend him. I won't keep telling you how wrong you are because you know it. You were not put on this earth to be a married man's flunky.

They're organizations out there to help you. Don't tell him your business because you know he'll persuade you to stay, with more lies. Good luck.
I empathize with you. Tell him point blank it is over. No more coming back. If he does not listen call the cops. Move on you are worth so much more than that.
YOU HAVE A VERY LOW SELF ESTEEM....Grow up and next time when you meet this DEVIL threaten to call the police.Show aggression can't be that weak.Remember MEN don't Respect weak women !!!
You are absolutely right that this man is bankrupting you. You deserve to be with someone who is with you 100% and is kind and supportive, both to you and to others.

I would strongly encourage you to seek counseling. You can call the National Domestic Violence Helpline (1-800-799-SAFE) to be connected to your local domestic violence program. These programs are typically free and confidential. They can provide counseling or referrals, and help you work out a plan to be free of this man.

Please do not accept his behavior. You can take your life back.

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