Monday, March 12, 2012

What do you think happens when you die?

I generally lean slightly towards reincarnation and my reasoning for that is (in order of spirituality):

1. You won't just see darkness forever because you don't have a brain to process it with

2. You won't reach karma (reasons are with the heaven and hell category)

3. Heaven and Hell (and purgatory) just can't happen because

3.1. I don't believe in your soul leaving your body to go to some trial that decides if you were good enough to go to heaven and then either lower the bar or send themajority of the population to Hell,

3.2. I don't believe in some strange place where you live and everything's perfect,

3.3. You don't have a brain or body to comprehend everything,

3.4. Nobody truly 100% believes in heaven (either that or they are afraid they will go to hell), otherwise (at least if it's as good as it's cracked up to be), people would be committing suicide all over the place to go to the better place.

As for near death experiences, people are unconscious and they dream. That's all.What do you think happens when you die?
"1. You won't just see darkness forever because you don't have a brain to process it with". You are presuming that "you" are still going to be there to see the darkness to begin with. If your experiences in this life are caused only by your brain then when your brain ceases to exist so do your experiences, including your experience of darkness.

Personally, I tend to believe that when I die and my neurons stop firing, I will simply cease to exist. If I had a few hundred years, perhaps I could use technology to keep my representation going. Then I think, if I could do something like this, what's to say someone else hasn't already done this and more. Maybe they will save me.
You stay deadWhat do you think happens when you die?
It seems that physics is suggesting that there are more dimensions that the commonly known four.

Some scientists suggest that the mind operates under rules for quantum mechanices. Consciousness may inhabit some of these unknown dimensions. We can consider the "soul" as a form of quantum energy... The same energy that is associated with investigations of the paranormal and "ghosts".

So when we die, our quantum energy (the sum product of everything you do - - even your thoughts) continue in the quantum spectrum. Here we control time, our location, etc... Our quantum energy can be joined with anyone and we can understand as if we were that person... When all this quantum energy is joined together we call that "heaven".

Reincarnation... no way. It makes no sense to be reincarnated as a cockaroach or any non-human being.
well, due to my religion, i believe ill go to heaven. the rest of ur reasonings are too deep for my comprehension. acctually, to tell u the truth, i didnt feel like reading it...

oops, i just say that? =[
What happens to you when you die depends on whether you know that God is God. If so your soul will emerge into the light. If not you will remain in darkness. Many persons unfortunately believe that what follows this life is unknowable or worse as in the quote by Jim Morrison, “No one gets out of here alive.” We must, in fact, get out of here alive. God is our only " Life Insurance." Our Father, who provided all of his wonderful gifts to us would not “leave us as orphans” (John 14) and God’s fundamental purpose, that his children will choose to know and love God, would not be achievable if the path to this reunion was not knowable by each of us.

I have spent a good deal of time to determine how we can best prepare during our lifetime for our post-earthly existence. I considered it imperative to know as much as I could about how I could make a successful transition to my post earthly existence. I am thankful that in my life I have been able to develop a direct interaction with God. I have found that God is the source of all pure truth. Through the wisdom shared by God I know that the soul survives this world.

Your birthright is that you are in possession of the Kingdom of God. To explore the beauty of this Kingdom you must look within yourself. From the moment that our souls were created, by the gift of God, the truth of all things has been within our souls waiting to be awakened. Once awakened, the Holy Spirit illuminates a path of expanded consciousness and the wisdom imparted by the Holy Spirit is innately known by the soul as truth. Each day, from that moment, the Holy Spirit illuminates deeper and subtler truths which had previously escaped our understanding. Ultimately through prayer and meditation we understand that God's love is infinite and we seek nothing but reunion with our wonderful God. As Saint Teresa said, this reunion with God is like light that comes into one room from different windows. Since the true source of the light is the same the resulting light is indistinguishable. You could also think of two instruments playing the same musical note in precise unison. Since the musical vibration is exactly the same, the result is one sound. So our unison with the mind of God results from a synchronized spiritual vibration and any part of this is exactly like the whole.
i think we just die and become the earth
You go to heaven and reign with God forever, if you lead a good life on earth. If you are a bad person, you will go to hell. i do not believe in purgatory. hope i helped;…
Our minds, what makes us "us" die when our brain does, and our body rotts.
when you die it is just for the darkness, no nothing...just over
It depends on what you mean by death.

If my heart stops, then I will be resuccitated by the greatest Emergency folks there are.

Perhaps you can also explain about people who remember things from past lives, that they could not possibly have known about in this lifetime.

If my body dies, I will live in a better place after that.

I don't believe in a strange place where everything is perfect, the kingdom of heaven is inside you.

Did you ever think that we are living on a large rock, called Earth, that is flying around the Sun at 18.5 miles per second. About 240,000 miles from us, a giant asteroid called the moon, is circling at over 2,200 miles per hour. Now with your belief, this is all random, and nobody is steering. Now that is scary.
I think we don't die. We just go to sleep and dream forever.
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