Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why does there have to be fat people in the world??!?

Okay, I get people who have a legit disease that makes them fat, and i really hope they get better. but im talking about the weak complainers who eat 11lbs of **** per day and basically LIVE at McDonald's! This is so unnecessary. They walk around claiming they're being discriminated against and also claiming they're 'curvy' when, in actuality, they are morbidly obese and most people enjoy walking on sidewalks, being comfortable in airplanes etc, all of which they hinder the enjoyment of. They also desperately beg for help and try fad diets to curb their cravings and increase they're will power. its NOT that hard, just don't eat the burger.

And i was watching the Tyra show the other day and these fat people were trying to blame their friends for their fatness. saying 'oh when she eats fat it makes me want to too, so i cave!' hey, well you're friend didn't force the hamburger down your throat did she? YOU did!!

Then there's the other excuse... the joints/i can't run/physically incapable in any other way. well DUH, there is so much weight on ther joints its a wonder they can walk. And they don't like to run? then they can bike/swim/climb/ANYTHING for god's sake! %26gt;.%26lt;

So many people in this world are weak and stupid... oh wait, THATS AMERICA

we have a reputation for being fat... its annoying. A bunch of Danish people showed up recently and were even commenting on how fat the americans are, we should be ashamed and send all the fat people to an island to get in shape. We would consume less and that would ALSO help the global warming problem. if all the fat people didn't need to drive everywhere, they could bike/consume less food/consume less material to make their clothes.

end rant lol.Why does there have to be fat people in the world??!?
OMG! hahahah! I know huh! Yea many people who are not from USA they think of us like junk food eaters and stuff and sometimes I'm ashammed because we have soo many procesed food!

Well, I think that the reason why there is fat poeple in the world is beause they simply dont take care of themself, It sucks to see them fat and stuff but they should be responsible on what they EAT!

I know what you mean, but u cant reallly put all of them in an island , sorry, cuz that will be like discrimination. and plus our constitution says; all man are equal. so yea.

Anyways i just hope that those who are VERY fat should listen and start working out! and for those who have a disorder well, I'm so sorry and I cant really say anthing because thats how thay are. but for the others thats just NOT CARING FOR ONESELF!!!!

ALTHOUGH you kinda sound stupid and sallow cuz, thats not nice it, thats kinda their decision. I think that just how there is fat people in the US there are in Europe, in ASIA, and AFRICA, and around the world!

I dont really think thats cool about moving them onto an island, it sounds like u have something against FAT PEOPLE.

and LOL I watched Tyra too hahahah!

I hoped I helped and GOOD LUCK! :)

hahahah! McDonalds !!!
In addition to medical problems (metabolism, physical disability, etc), some people have eating disorders where they eat too much uncontrollably. Food becomes an addiction to them.Why does there have to be fat people in the world??!?
blah blah blah. fat rant fat rant fat rant.

You are shallow.

You are stupid.

You disgust me.
The problem with America is that people actually think like this. So, what do you propose we do with idiots like you?
Why does there have to be ignorant bigots in the world??!?
I'm sorry, once I started reading this I got crosseyed and passed out...

That much ranting about nothing really isn't good for you and those thin little blood vessels that make up your silly little mind...

I bet your an immature git sitting behind your computer going heeheehee... pathetic...

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