Friday, February 24, 2012

Do I have a real ugly last name: Gluewoermer?

It's German, German Jewish, it's actually originally spelled "Gl眉w枚rmer" but they changed it at Ellis Island in accordance with rules for rendering the umlauts (two dots) into English spelling. The thing is in English it sounds like "glue worm" and kids always made fun of me for my name, on top of being diegnosed with "*** Burgers" (as they called it)Do I have a real ugly last name: Gluewoermer?
Kids will make the most tenuous and ridiculous connections between names and other words, because they are immature. I read about a beautiful model, who was called stringbean in school because she was tall. Now she is wealthy, because fashion designers were looking for tall models. It would help if before any child starts school his parents sat him down and said never tease or bully another child about his/her name, or anything else for that matter. Your name reminds me of glow worm, meaning firefly, which I think is cool. I suppose you could pronounce it any way you want or even change it if you like.
My kids last name was Dolphay, and they endured years of being called Dog face. Kids can find something to make fun of, out of any name.

Don't let it bother you. Be proud of yourself and knowing your ancestry.Do I have a real ugly last name: Gluewoermer?
"Gl眉w枚rmer" means lightning bug, firefly, glow bug.

I think its pretty.

But I understand you. My German birth name means in English waste-water .
I prefer Gl眉w枚rmer.

Research the true pronunciation in the original language and use it.

I doubt it was pronounced "glue worm."
I've heard worse, lots worse.

But I am sorry the kids teased so much. Aspies have enough challenges to face. My son was diagnosed with it also.
but the w should sound like a v. Gluvormer. it's not bad at all. kids can tend to be afraid of anything different!

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